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Archive for July 2015

गुरु पूर्णिमा- Guru Purnima

By : Unknown

गुरु ब्रह्मा, गुरु विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वर
गुरु साक्षात परमं ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नम ः
उक्त श्लोकबाट स्पष्ट हुन्छ गुरुको महिमा । श्लोकमा लेखिएको छ गुरु ब्रह्मा हो गुरु विष्णु हो, गुरु नै भगवान शंकर हो गुरु साक्षात परमब्रम्हा हो, यस्तो गुरुलाई म प्रणाम गर्दछु । आफ्ना शिष्यलाई उज्यालो ज्ञानको शिक्षा प्रदान गरेर उनीहरुमा रहेको अन्धकाररुपी अज्ञान हटाउने गुरुलाई ब्रम्हा, विष्णु, महेश्वर र साक्षात् परम्ब्रम्हास्वरुप मानिन्छ ।
गुरु नै हुन् जसले हामीलाई जीवनका पथहरुमा हिँड्न सिकाउँछन् । आमाबाबुले हामीलाई धर्तीमा जन्म त दिन्छन् तर हामीलाई बाँच्न सक्न बनाउने गुरुले हो । हो यिनै ‘गुरु’ प्रति समर्पित छ आजको दिन । आज आषाढ शुक्ल पूर्णिमा  अर्थात गुरु पूर्णिमा –आफ्ना सिप, सिक निस्वार्थ भावनाले बाँड्ने गुरुहरुप्रति नतमस्तक भई कृतज्ञता व्यक्त गर्ने दिन ।। वैदिक धर्मग्रन्थ महाभारतका रचयिता वेद व्यासको जन्मजयन्तीका अवसरमा वैदिक कालदेखि नै मनाउने गरिएको व्यास जयन्तीलाई गुरु पूर्णिमाका रूपमा लिने गरिएको छ । महाभारत, श्रीमद्भागवत, अठार पुराण र विष्णु सहस्रनामका रचयिता तथा अपौरुषेय वेदलाई चार भाग लगाउने वेदव्यासको जन्मजयन्तीलाई गुरुपूर्णिमाका रुपमा मनाउने गर्दछन् । द्वापरयुगको अन्त्यतिर कौरव, पाण्डवभन्दा अघि उत्तरायण नक्षेत्रपूर्णिमा अर्थात् गुरु पूर्णिमाकै दिन ऋषि पराशर र माझीपुत्री मत्स्यगन्धाका पुत्रका रुपमा व्यासको जन्म भएको थियो । चारैवेद, अठार पुराण, भागवतगीताको सम्पादन आजकै दिनमा समाप्त गरी आफ्ना शिष्यलाई दर्शन दिएकाले यो दिनलाई गुरुपूर्णिमाको रुपमा मनाउने गरिएको हो । 

पूर्णिमा अर्थात पूर्ण चन्द्रमा लाग्ने दिन । यस्तै हुन्छन् गुरुहरु पनि – पूर्ण ।  सिप, माया, समर्पण, प्रेरणा, हौसलाले भरिपूर्ण । अनि पूर्णिमाको रातमा चन्द्रमाले दिने उज्यालोले जसरी रातको अँध्यारो हटेर जान्छ त्यसरी नै गुरुले हाम्रो जीवनमा अज्ञानताको अँध्यारो हटाइ ज्ञानको उज्यालो छर्छन् ।
‘गुरु’ भन्ने शब्द दुई संस्कृत शब्दहरु मिलेर बनेको छ । ‘गु’ अर्थात अन्धकार, ‘रु’ अर्थात हटाउने । तसर्थ ‘गुरु’ शब्दको अर्थ भनेको अन्धकार हटाउने भनेर बुझिन्छ । जसले अन्धकारलाई हटाएर ज्योति छर्छ उहि नै गुरु हो । यस शब्द आफैंले नै गुरुको महिमालाई घामजस्तै छर्लङ्ग बनाउँछ । जीवनमा अज्ञानताको अन्धकारलाई हटाएर ज्ञानको उज्यालो छर्ने व्यक्ति गुरु नभएमा हामी केवल पशुसरह हुन्छौं । अज्ञानतामा भड्किइरहेको, कुनै लक्ष्य, कुनै अस्तित्व नभएको प्राणी हुन्छौं । 
हिन्दु धर्मका ग्रन्थहरुलाई आधार मानेर हेर्दा प्राचिन काल देखि नै गुरु – शिष्य परम्पराको महत्व रहेको देखिन्छ । प्राचिन समयमा आफ्नो घररुपी पहिलो पाठशालामा आमाबुवा (प्रथम गुरु)बाट शिक्षित–दिक्षित भइसकेपछि गुरुकूलमा गएर अध्ययन गर्नुपर्ने प्रावधान रहेको थियो । त्यसै अनुसार पहिले पहिले गुरुकै घरमै १२–१३ वर्ष बसेर अध्ययन गर्ने र पूर्ण शिक्षित भइसकेपछि मात्र घर आएर गृहस्थाश्रम चलाउने गरिन्थ्यो । यस प्रचलनमा एउटा गुरुका थुप्रै शिष्यहरु रहने गर्थे जो जीवनकालपर्यन्त शिष्यका उन्नति अवनतिका साक्षी, तिनका समस्या निराकरणकर्ता, सल्लाहकार र उपदेशक मानिन्थे । र विद्यार्थीहरु गुरुको श्रद्धा गरि आफ्नो क्षमताले भ्याएअनुसारको गुरुदक्षिणा दिने गर्थे । पौराणिक युगका कथाहरुमा गुरु र शिष्यका पात्रहरु प्रशस्तै भेटिन्छन् । एकलव्यले द्रोणाचार्यलाई गुरुदक्षिणा स्वरुप हातको औंला दिएका कथा होस् या ऋषि धौम्यले उपमन्युलाई देखाएको बाटो, गीता होस् या महाभारत महान गुरुहरु र उनका शिष्यहरु सम्बन्धि पढ्न पाइन्छ । शास्त्रहरुमा गुरुको महत्व धेरै माथि छ । गुरुको कृपा बिना भगवानको प्राप्ति असम्भव मानिन्थ्यो । त्यसो त आधुनिक युगमा पनि गुरुको महत्व घटेको छैन ।

एउटा राम्रो भविष्यको निमित्त गुरुको विशेष योगदान रहेको हुन्छ । गुरुबाट पाएको ज्ञानले गर्दा नै हामी जीवनमा अघि बढ्न सक्छौं । आमाबुबाले संसार मात्र देखाउछन् यस संसारमा कसरी जीउने भन्ने ज्ञान भने गुरुले नै दिन्छन् । महान दार्शनिक ब्चष्कतयतभि ले भनेका छन्, ूत्जयकभ धजय भमगअबतभ अजष्मिचभल धभिि बचभ mयचभ तय दभ जयलयचभम तजबल उबचभलतक, ायच तजभकभ यलथि नबखभ षिभ, तजयकभ तजभ बचत या ष्खिष्लन धभिि।ू जन्म दिने आमाबाबुलाई भन्दा शिक्षा दिने शिक्षक÷गुरुलाई बढि सम्मान गर्नुपर्छ किनभने आमाबाबुले त जीवन मात्र दिन्छन् असल जीवन दिने शिक्षकले हो । शिक्षक त्यो ज्योती हुन् जसले हामीलाई जीवनका मार्गहरु देखाइरहेका हुन्छन् जसको अभावमा हामी अन्धकार, अज्ञानता, शुन्यतामा रुमल्लिन्छौं । 
समग्रमा हेर्दा शिक्षकहरुलाई राष्ट्रनिर्माता भन्दा कुनै फरक पर्दैन । किनभने राष्ट्रका लागी आवश्यक जनशक्ति डाक्टर, इन्जिनियर, पाइलट, वैज्ञानिक सबै शिक्षककै चेला हुन् । संसारका जो कोही महान व्यक्तित्व हुन् उनीहरु सबै कुनै न कुनै शिक्षकका मेहनतका फल हुन् । कुनै पनि राष्ट्रको उन्नति शिक्षासँग जोडिएको हुन्छ तर अफसोच हाम्रो जस्तो विकाशोन्मुख राष्ट्रहरुमा शिक्षा प्रदान गर्ने शिक्षकलाई न्युन आयस्तरको जागिरमा राखिन्छ । म ११ मा पढ्दा मलाई पढाउने एक शिक्षक भन्नुहुन्थ्यो जब कुनै पनि जागिर पाइदैंन तब मात्र शिक्षक बन्नु । १२ सकेपछि जागिरका लागि भौतारिदैं गर्दा आपैmंले पनि शिक्षक हुने अवसर पाए तब महसुस भयो शिक्षक अर्थात गुरु हुनु धेरै नै चुनौतिपूर्ण जागिर हो । गुरुको महिमा र महत्व सायदै शब्दमा वर्णन गर्न सकिएला ।
गुरु शिष्यको सम्बन्धलाई लिएर थुपै्र चलचित्रहरु पनि बनेको छ । “ब्ल्याक” मा एउटा गुरुले अपाङ्ग छात्राको शिक्षा र उन्नतिको लागि गरेको संघर्षलाई देखाइएको छ । जो शिक्षक अनन्तकालमा गएर आफैं मानसिक रोगदेखि पिडित हुन्छन् तर आफ्नो त्यस अपाङ्ग छात्राले पाएको सफलतामा उनि अति खुशी हुन्छन् । साँच्चै नै शिक्षकहरु आफ्नो छात्राको सफलतामा नै आफ्नो सफलता देख्छन् । त्यस्तै “तारे जमिन पर” मा डिस्लेक्सीक बच्चा इसान र निकुम्भ सर बिचको सम्बन्धलाई देखाइएको छ । इसानको आमाबुबाले पनि देख्न नसकेको इसानको प्रतिभालाई उजागर गराउन लागिपर्छन् निकुम्भ सर । त्यस्तै “स्टान्ली का डब्बा”, “अक्टुबर स्काइ”, “दोस्ती”, “गुरुदक्षिणा” जस्ता चलचित्रहरुले शिक्षकको त्याग समर्पनलाई झल्काउँछन् ।
अन्त्यमा, यो लेख मेरा सम्पूर्ण गुरुहरुमा समर्पण गर्न चाहन्छु मेरो कर्म दिने आमा, मेरी शिक्षीका दिलु सुब्बा अनि मलाई यो लेख लेख्ने सक्ने बनाउनुहुने मेरा सम्पूर्ण गुरुबा तथा गुरुआमाहरुमा । म एकलव्यले जस्तै आफ्नो हातको औंला काटेर हजुरहरुलाई गुरुदक्षिणा त चढाउन नसकुलाँ तर हजुरहरुले देखाउनुभएको बाटोलाई पहिल्याउँदै एक असल र उदाहरणिय मानिस बन्ने प्रयत्न गर्नेछु, यहि नै मेरो क्षमताले भ्याउनसक्ने गुरुदक्षिणा हजुरहरुको लागि ।

लैंगिक समानता- Gender Equality

By : Unknown

लैंगिक समानता

मेरो एउटी केटी साथी छिन्, उमेर २२ | उनलाई उनका बाउ-आमाले बिहे गर्न कर गरिरहेछन | हामी बीच यस्तो संवाद भयो कफी सपमा बसेर | उनी : ह्या मेरा बाउ-आमाहरु कस्ता के मेरो बिहे गर्न कर कर गरि रहन्छन् | म : हो यस्तो नेपालमा हुन्छ जब केटीहरु २०,२२ का हुन्छन् | उनी : किन केटीहरु मात्र ? तिमी पनि त मेरै उमेरको हौ | के तिम्लाई पनि बिहेको लागि कर कर गर्नु हुन्छ ? म : अहँ | अहिले सम्म छैन | सायद अबको २,३ बर्ष पछि गर्नु हुन्छ होला | उनी : हो, मैले नि यहि भन्या | म पनि २,३ बर्ष पछि बिहे गर्न चाहन्छु | मेरा पनि त केहि करियर सम्बन्धि प्लान छन् , म नि तिमी जस्तै घुम्न चाहन्छु र अरु धेरै कुरा गर्न चाहन्छु बिहे गर्नु भन्दा अगाडि | म : त्यो त राम्रो हो | एक चोटी बाउ-आमालाई सम्झाउने कोशिस गरन | उनी : म मेरा बाउ-आमालाई बुझ्नै सक्दिन | वहाँहरु एकदम परम्परागत सोच राख्नु हुन्छ | आई मिन.. हामी सबै लैंगिक समानताको कुरा गर्छौं र यस्तै हाम्रो पहिलेको पिढीले सोच्छ | केहि राम्रो हुन सक्दैन यो देशमा | तिमी केटाहरुलाई मात्रै छ सबै अधिकार | मलाई यो सिस्टम मन पर्दैन | म : ल यो कुरा छोड्दिम | अनि के तिम्लाई अस्ति भेटेको केटा मन परो त ? उनी : अहँ | म : किन नि ? उनी : ( भित्र भित्रै हाँस्दै ) त्यति त म आफै कमाउँछु | त्यो केटा जसलाई म बिहे गर्छु उसले म भन्दा धेरै कमाउनु पर्छ र बुद्धिमान हुनुपर्छ | र अन्त्यमा यी नै हुन् आधारभूत आवश्यकता | म : ए ! म त सोच्दै थिएँ हामी समानताका कुरा गर्दै थियौं |

By Asmit Koirala

Google pays tribute to an Individual

By : Unknown
Disclaimer  : We do not own and do not claim to own all the images appearing on our website/ Facebook page. The images belong to their respective owners, who have copyright over them. The images are taken from various different sources. If you feel that any image violates your copyright, please write to911@thelogicalindian.com to have it taken down.
Google displays a black ribbon on homepage of Google India in memory of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. This is the first time anywhere in the world that Google has displayed a black ribbon to pay tribute to an individual.
Kalam passed away on July 27 after suffering a heart attack during a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management, Shillong.

In Pictures: Journey Of Former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

He went from distributing newspapers after school during childhood to become the President of our country. He was awarded Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna – the highest civilian honour. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam made every day of his life count for all it’s worth, till very last breath he took.
Former President of India and reputed scientist Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam passed away on Monday evening at a hospital in Meghalaya. Reports say he collapsed while delivering a lecture at Indian Institute of Management in Shillong and was admitted in the hospital in a very critical condition.
The 11th president of our country was 83 when he passed away. The doctors reportedly said that he suffered from a cardiac arrest.
The Logical Indian Community pays tribute to Late Dr. Kalam with a heavy heart. Though he was known by many tags –‘People’s president’, ‘Missile Man’, ‘The man behind Vision 2020’; He will not only be remembered for the immeasurably remarkable achievements and marks he left behind, but surely as a Great Human, for his determined character, for his love, for his patriotism, for he could ignite our minds.
We recapitulate some of the well known bits and parts of his life below as the nation recovers from the sudden demise of Late Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam:
•    Dr. Kalam was born in Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu on October 15, 1931, to a humble boat owner.  A determined soul since childhood, he started working at an early age to contribute to the family income.  He was brought up in a multi-religious, tolerant society; one with a progressive outlook. He overcame all odds and carried on to pursue graduation in physics and later study aerospace engineering on a scholarship.
Home_Web(Dr Kalam’s Home in Rameshwaram || Image: colorlibrary)
•    His first mark for our country was his accomplishments as a Scientist. Late Dr. Kalam joined Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in 1960.
kalam-friends-web(Dr Kalam with Friends || Image: pinterest)
•    Nine years later he was transferred to Indian Space Research Organization. Late Dr. Kalam claimed that joining ISRO was one of his biggest achievements in life.
With-Vikram-Sarabhai_Web( Young Dr Abdul Kalam With Vikram Sarabhai || Image: isro)
He said he found himself when he started to work on the Satellite Launching Vehicle (SLV) project. Dr. Kalam made significant contribution as Project Director to develop India’s first indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) which successfully injected the Rohini satellite in the near earth orbit in July 1980 and made India an exclusive member of Space Club. Dr. Kalam took up responsibilities for developing Indigenous Guided Missiles at the DRDO which led to the development of AGNI and PRITHVI missiles.
APJ-Abdul-Kalam-ISRO-Web(SLV – III Review meeting, with presence of Sathish Dhawan || Image: www.jagran.com)
He also led the Pokhran-II nuclear tests that made India a nuclear weapon country. His remarkable contributions to the space and defense programs of our country would be one of the reasons for the country’s success.
Kalam_pokran_Web(Then PM AB Vajpayee and Dr. Kalam at Pokhran Nuclear test Site || Image :www.images99.com)
•    In 2002, both the ruling party, Bhartiya Janta Party, and the Opposition Party, Congress came together to elect him as the 11th President of India. After serving a term of 5 years, he returned to civilian life of education, writing and public service. He has written a number of books and documentaries, the best known being Wings of Fire and Ignited Mind. A recipient of a number of awards, he topped them all by Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor in 1997.
He saw a dream for our country known as Vision 2020. He wanted to see our nation standing amongst the developed countries of the world. The only real tribute to him would be when we manage to achieve that goal as a united country.  “A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep,” as he famously said.
The Centre has declared a national mourning of seven days.
“Dr. Kalam was a man of impeccable character, indomitable spirit, profound knowledge and firm conviction. His death is an irreparable loss to this nation. He has left a big void hard to fill,” said home minister Rajnath Singh.
The Logical Indian Community bids farewell to one of the greatest presidents our country has witnessed. May your soul Rest in Peace, Dr. Kalam. Besides all you have given to our country, you were a Guide, a Teacher and an inspiration to many. You will always remain immortal in our hearts and memories for generations to come.

Content Credit: http://thelogicalindian.com/

From Gaity to Nightmare- Who is responsible???

By : Unknown

Manoj (who is the guitarist of One of the Nepal's famous Band 1974 A.D.) patiently waited outside the "female only" delivery room. He had just learnt that his wife, Prerana had finally entered into labor. Unable to hold back the joy of having his first child to himself, he texted out the news to one close friend. But immediately he began receiving congratulatory messages from all over the town.
However, it only took an instant for Manoj's greatest moment of joy to turn into his darkest nightmare. He would soon find out that his mother-to-be wife, who had been admitted to hospital in sound health for regular delivery, had breathed her last.

The grief that Manoj is living through has become a reflection of the dark reality of our society. It is an irony that despite all the claims that Nepal has made significant progress in ensuring maternal health, a mother who is completely informed and capable in all respects, who is in sound health, and has access to all health facilities is compelled to such an unjustified death.
Having a child was never an immediate priority for Prerana and Manoj. Among other things, they wanted to have a place of their own first. But two years into the marriage, they began getting pressure from friends and relatives and they finally caved in.
"We learnt about her pregnancy last Dashain," says Manoj. "Based on the advice of many of our friends, we decided to consult OB/GYN specialist Dr. Alka Singh."
Dr. Singh worked in Sumeru Hospital near their home and also at the Patan Hospital where they were planning to have the delivery.
"From the day we found out she was pregnant, we were very regular with the check-ups and ensured that we did everything as per the doctor's advice. There were no issues at all. Even the doctor would comment how Prerana was beginning to glow as she progressed with her pregnancy."
Then on April 25, the earthquake struck, which made both a bit nervous. This made Prerana seriously consider undergoing a caesarian section to deliver the baby, but the doctor refused this option outright.
"There were no complications during Prerana's pregnancy," says Dr. Singh. "In such cases, we always advise natural delivery. And that is exactly what I did." She also suggested natural delivery over caesarian as the former takes relatively less time for the mother to recover post-delivery.
On the 7th of June, Prerana told Manoj that she was not feeling the baby's movement inside her. They rushed to Sumeru Hospital where Dr Singh informed them that the time for delivery was very near and advised them to get Prerana admitted to Patan Hospital. But before they left, she asked them to perform the final ultrasound. The ultrasound report showed new information which was not known in previous examinations. The report revealed that the baby was entangled in its umbilical cord. The doctor's note declared it as "minor". She told them that this would not affect the delivery in any way.
Manoj remembers that he felt a chill pass through his body at that particular moment and recalls requesting Dr. Singh for the caesarian option. The doctor refused his request.
Prerana was admitted to Patan Hospital that night. The next day, when the regular doctor was making her rounds, Manoj and Prerana reiterated their request to go for caesarian delivery, but they were once again refused. Around 4 pm that day, Prerana was given medicine to help induce labor. But since she did not respond to the medicine, she was given another dosage at 10 pm. The labor pain finally started around midnight. But they were completely unaware about the dosage that was administered the second time, and about its potential effects.

Prerana's labor pain was increasing as Kathmandu woke up to another morning. She was shifted into the delivery room at around 5 am. While Manoj had just texted one of his friends about the joyful moment, he began receiving scores of messages from his friends and well-wishers. Right then, he saw a newborn being carried out of the room.  A machine was used to aid its respiration.
"All I saw was the baby's black hair, and I really couldn't tell whose baby it was," remembers Manoj, "but I felt a strange feeling of attachment towards it."
Manoj peeked into the delivery room, searching for any signs of what was happening there, but could only see his sister and his mother-in-law. But around him, he heard people's murmurs, about the newborn baby who could not breathe because his throat was entangled in the umbilical cord. As Manoj waited, the nurses took the baby to put inside ventilator.
At around 8:30, Manoj received a message he had least expected to hear.
Due to excessive bleeding, the doctors had decided to remove Prerana's uterus as a life-saving operation. Dr Singh, who was inside the delivery room, informed him that the operation was imperative to save Prerana. By this time, it had already dawned on Manoj that the baby he had seen earlier was his.
One the one hand, he was not in the condition to decide what action he could take. On the other hand, the doctors were pressuring him to sign off the operation on Prerana.
"If I didn't agree on Prerana's operation, it would only mean putting her life in danger," Manoj recalls his dilemma then. "But as I wasn't sure about the chances of my newly born son's survival, agreeing to the operation could mean that I would forever prevent Prerana the chance of having another child. And how would I explain that to her?"
He went over to the operation room; he saw Prerana lying unconscious. She had an oxygen mask over her face.
"At that moment I felt that I want Prerana at all cost," says Manoj. "And I approved the operation."
The doctors began operating in the OT; outside there was a mad rush for the supply of blood.
But a little while later, there was unexpected news that Prerana's heart had stopped. Manoj felt his world go dark.
"Just then a doctor informed that they were continuing to work on Prerana," continues Manoj, "which brought a ray of hope."
After some time of mixed information, Manoj was finally led into the operation theatre. And at that particular moment, Manoj felt his world collapse. "I could see Prerana's body there, but she wasn't there!" Unable to hold back, Manoj let out a loud cry. Little does he remember of that moment. As they pushed the trolley that held her lifeless body, all he could do was to follow it in tears.
We are taught since the younger classes that Poverty, Illiteracy, Lack of Awareness on Maternal Health. Talking about the Poverty, both the singer and his wife belonged to well - managed family
Illiteracy; Manoj and Prerana both were well educated. Prerana herself was working JICA, (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
They were both very aware and conscious about the maternal health. Prerana was always under the strict observation of OB/GYN specialist Dr. Alka Singh.
So what can be the cause of this maternal death????? This remains totally answered.
A lady who was well educated, enough rich; living in the capital of the country died during the maternity. Doctors approved her safe and sound till the time she was taken inside the delivery room then what suddenly caused her death.
Government claims that Nepal has made tremendous progress in the area of safe motherhood. Can we really agree to it??? We are taught from a younger age that Illiteracy, Poverty, Lack of Awareness are the causes of maternal deaths.. I guess it's time to add something more to it.

Updates from Setopati.com
Content&Photo Credits: Junu Bhujel

APJ Abdul Kalam- RIP- A short life take through

By : Unknown
A heartful tribute to the nation's great personality.

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen "A. P. J." Abdul Kalam (Listeni/'æbd?l k?'l??m/; 15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015) was the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. A career scientist turned reluctant politician, Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering. He spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India's civilian space program and military missile development efforts. He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology. He also played a pivotal organizational, technical and political role in India's Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974.
Kalam was elected President of India in 2002 with the support of both the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and the opposition Indian National Congress. After serving a term of five years, he returned to his civilian life of education, writing and public service. He received several prestigious awards, including the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour.
Early life and education
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931 to a Tamil Muslim family in Rameswaram in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. His father's name was Jainulabudeen, a boat owner, and his mother Ashiamma, a housewife. He came from a poor background and started working at an early age to supplement his family's income. After completing school, Kalam distributed newspapers to contribute to his father's income. In his school years he had average grades but was described as a bright and hardworking student who had a strong desire to learn and spend hours on his studies, especially mathematics. After completing his education at the Ramanathapuram Schwartz Matriculation School, Kalam went on to attend Saint Joseph's College, Tiruchirappalli, then affiliated with the University of Madras, from where he graduated in physics in 1954. Towards the end of the course, he was not enthusiastic about the subject and would later regret the four years he studied it. He moved to Madras in 1955 to study aerospace engineering. While Kalam was working on a senior class project, the Dean was dissatisfied with his lack of progress and threatened to revoke his scholarship unless the project was finished within the next three days. Kalam met the deadline, impressing the Dean, who later said to him, "I was putting you under stress and asking you to meet a difficult deadline". He narrowly missed achieving his dream of becoming a fighter pilot, as he placed ninth in qualifiers, and only eight positions were available in the IAF. (Indian Air Force)
Career as a scientist
After graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology in 1960, Kalam joined the Aeronautical Development Establishment of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) as a scientist. He started his career by designing a small helicopter for the Indian Army, but remained unconvinced by his choice of a job at DRDO. Kalam was also part of the INCOSPAR committee working under Vikram Sarabhai, the renowned space scientist. In 1969, Kalam was transferred to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he was the project director of India's first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) which successfully deployed the Rohini satellite in near-earth orbit in July 1980; Kalam had first started work on an expandable rocket project independently at DRDO in 1965.In 1969, Kalam received the government's approval and expanded the programme to include more engineers.

In 1963–64, he visited NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland and Wallops Flight Facility. Between the 1970s and 1990s, Kalam made an effort to develop the Polar Satellite Launching Vehicle (PSLV) and SLV-III projects, both of which proved to be successful.
Kalam was invited by Raja Ramanna to witness the country's first nuclear test Smiling Buddha as the representative of TBRL, even though he had not participated in its development. In the 1970s, Kalam also directed two projects, Project Devil and Project Valiant, which sought to develop ballistic missiles from the technology of the successful SLV programme.Despite the disapproval of the Union Cabinet, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi allotted secret funds for these aerospace projects through her discretionary powers under Kalam's directorship.Kalam played an integral role convincing the Union Cabinet to conceal the true nature of these classified aerospace projects. His research and educational leadership brought him great laurels and prestige in the 1980s, which prompted the government to initiate an advanced missile programme under his directorship.Kalam and Dr V S Arunachalam, metallurgist and scientific adviser to the Defence Minister, worked on the suggestion by the then Defence Minister, R. Venkataraman on a proposal for simultaneous development of a quiver of missiles instead of taking planned missiles one after another. R Venkatraman was instrumental in getting the cabinet approval for allocating ?388 crores for the mission, named Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) and appointed Kalam as the chief executive. Kalam played a major part in developing many missiles under the mission including Agni, an intermediate range ballistic missile and Prithvi, the tactical surface-to-surface missile, although the projects have been criticised for mismanagement and cost and time overruns.Kalam served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Defence Research and Development Organisation from July 1992 to December 1999. The Pokhran-II nuclear tests were conducted during this period in which he played an intensive political and technological role. Kalam served as the Chief Project Coordinator, along with Rajagopala Chidambaram, during the testing phase.Media coverage of Kalam during this period made him the country's best known nuclear scientist. However, the director of the site test, K Santhanam, said that the thermonuclear bomb had been a "fizzle" and criticisied Kalam for issuing an incorrect report.Both Kalam and Chidambaram dismissed the claims.
In 1998, along with cardiologist Soma Raju, Kalam developed a low cost coronary stent, named the "Kalam-Raju Stent". In 2012, the duo designed a rugged tablet computer for health care in rural areas, which was named the "Kalam-Raju Tablet"

Kalam served as the 11th President of India, succeeding K. R. Narayanan. He won the 2002 presidential election with an electoral vote of 922,884, surpassing the 107,366 votes won by Lakshmi Sahgal. He served from 25 July 2002 to 25 July 2007.
On 10 June 2002, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) which was in power at the time, expressed that they would nominate Kalam for the post of President, and both the Samajwadi Party and the Nationalist Congress Party backed his candidacy. After the Samajwadi Party announced its support for Kalam, Narayanan chose not to seek a second term in office, leaving the field clear.Kalam said of the announcement of his candidature:
I am really overwhelmed. Everywhere both in Internet and in other media, I have been asked for a message. I was thinking what message I can give to the people of the country at this juncture.

On 18 June, Kalam filed his nomination papers in the Indian Parliament, accompanied by Vajpayee and his senior Cabinet colleaguesThe polling for the presidential election began on 15 July 2002 in Parliament and the state assemblies, with the media claiming that the election was a one-sided affair and Kalam's victory was a foregone conclusion; the count was held on 18 July. Kalam became the 11th president of the Republic of India in an easy victory, and moved into the Rashtrapati Bhavan after he was sworn in on 25 July. Kalam was the third President of India to have been honoured with a Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour, before becoming the President. Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1954) and Dr Zakir Hussain (1963) were the earlier recipients of Bharat Ratna who later became the President of India. He was also the first scientist and the first bachelor to occupy Rashtrapati Bhawan.
During his term as president, he was affectionately known as the People's President, saying that signing the Office of Profit Bill was the toughest decision he had taken during his tenure. Kalam was criticised for his inaction in deciding the fate of 20 out of the 21 mercy petitions submitted to him during his tenure.Article 72 of the Constitution of India empowers the President of India to grant pardons, and suspend or commute the death sentence of convicts on death row. Kalam acted on only one mercy plea in his five-year tenure as president, rejecting the plea of rapist Dhananjoy Chatterjee, who was later hanged. Perhaps the most notable plea was from Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri terrorist who was convicted of conspiracy in the December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament and was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of India in 2004. While the sentence was scheduled to be carried out on 20 October 2006, the pending action on his mercy plea resulted in him remaining on death row. He also took the controversial decision to impose President's Rule in Bihar in 2005.

In September 2003, in an interactive session in PGI Chandigarh, Kalam supported the need of Uniform Civil Code in India, keeping in view the population of the country.
At the end of his term, on 20 June 2007, Kalam expressed his willingness to consider a second term in office provided there was certainty about his victory in the 2007 presidential election. However, two days later, he decided not to contest the Presidential election again stating that he wanted to avoid involving Rashtrapati Bhavan from any political processes. He did not have the support of the left parties, Shiv Sena and UPA constituents, to receive a renewed mandate.
Nearing the expiry of the term of the 12th President Pratibha Patil on 24 July 2012, media reports in April claimed that Kalam was likely to be nominated for his second term. After the reports, social networking sites were notable for people supporting his candidature. The BJP potentially backed his nomination, saying that the party would lend their support if the Trinamool Congress, Samajwadi Party and Indian National Congress proposed him for the 2012 presidential election. A month ahead of the election, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Mamata Banerjee also expressed their support for Kalam. Days afterwards, Mulayam Singh Yadav backed out, leaving Mamata Banerjee as the solitary supporter.On 18 June 2012, Kalam declined to contest the 2012 presidential poll. He said of his decision not to do so:
Many, many citizens have also expressed the same wish. It only reflects their love and affection for me and the aspiration of the people. I am really overwhelmed by this support. This being their wish, I respect it. I want to thank them for the trust they have in me.
Kalam died of a massive cardiac arrest on the evening of 27 July 2015 after he collapsed while delivering a lecture on 'Livable Planet' at Indian Institute of Management Shillong.Following the collapse on around 6.30 pm, Kalam, was wheeled into Bethany hospitals' ICU in a critical condition but he was confirmed dead after more than two hours he was taken to the hospital. Kalam would have turned 84 in October 2015. Governor of Meghalaya, V. Shanmuganathan rushed to the hospital on hearing the news of Kalam's admission. Later Shanmughanathan said Kalam died at 7.45 pm even after medical team's best efforts to revive Kalam. On 28 July, morning Chief Secretary PBO Warjri told reporters that he had spoken to Union Home Secretary, L.C. Goyal asking for arrangements to be made for carrying Kalam's body to Delhi from Guwahati.
Government of India declared a seven-day state mourning as a mark of respect to the former President.
President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice-President Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Rajnath Singh and leaders condoled the former Presidents' demise.
In his book India 2020, Kalam strongly advocated an action plan to develop India into a "knowledge superpower" and a developed nation by the year 2020. He regarded his work on India's nuclear weapons programme as a way to assert India's place as a future superpower
I have identified five areas where India has a core competence for integrated action: (1) agriculture and food processing; (2) education and healthcare; (3) information and communication technology; (4) infrastructure, reliable and quality electric power, surface transport and infrastructure for all parts of the country; and (5)self-reliance in critical technologies. These five areas are closely inter-related and if advanced in a coordinated way, will lead to food, economic and national security.
It was reported that there was considerable demand in South Korea for translated versions of books authored by him.
Kalam took an active interest in other developments in the field of science and technology, including a research programme for developing bio-implants. He also supported Open Source technology over proprietary solutions, predicting that the use of free software on a large scale would bring the benefits of information technology to more people.
Kalam set a target of interacting with 100,000 students during the two years after his resignation from the post of scientific adviser in 1999. He explained, "I feel comfortable in the company of young people, particularly high school students. Henceforth, I intend to share with them experiences, helping them to ignite their imagination and preparing them to work for a developed India for which the road map is already available."
Kalam's 79th birthday was recognised as World Student Day by the United Nations. He has also received honorary doctorates from 40 universities.The Government of India has honoured him with the Padma Bhushan in 1981 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1990 for his work with ISRO and DRDO and his role as a scientific advisor to the Government.[88] In 1997, Kalam received India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, for his contribution to the scientific research and modernisation of defence technology in India. In 2005, Switzerland declared 26 May as "Science Day" to commemorate Kalam's visit to the country. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Von Braun Award from the National Space Society "to recognize excellence in the management and leadership of a space-related project.

Books and documentaries

Kalam's writings
Developments in Fluid Mechanics and Space Technology by A P J Abdul Kalam and Roddam Narasimha; Indian Academy of Sciences, 1988
India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium by A P J Abdul Kalam, Y S Rajan; New York, 1998.
Wings of Fire: An Autobiography by A P J Abdul Kalam, Arun Tiwari; Universities Press, 1999.
Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power Within India by A P J Abdul Kalam; Viking, 2002.
The Luminous Sparks by A P J Abdul Kalam, by; Punya Publishing Pvt Ltd, 2004.
Mission India by A P J Abdul Kalam, Paintings by Manav Gupta; Penguin Books, 2005
Inspiring Thoughts by A P J Abdul Kalam; Rajpal & Sons, 2007
Indomitable Spirit by A P J Abdul Kalam; Rajpal and Sons Publishing
Envisioning an Empowered Nation by A P J Abdul Kalam with A Sivathanu Pillai; Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
You Are Born To Blossom: Take My Journey Beyond by A P J Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari; Ocean Books, 2011.
Turning Points: A journey through challenges by A P J Abdul Kalam; Harper Collins India, 2012.
Target 3 Billion" by A P J Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh; December 2011 | Publisher Penguin Books.
My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions by A P J Abdul Kalam; August 2013 by the Rupa Publication.
A Manifesto for Change: A Sequel to India 2020 by A P J Abdul Kalam and V Ponraj; July 2014 by Harper Collins.
Forge your Future: Candid, Forthright, Inspiring by A P J Abdul Kalam; by Rajpal and Sons, 29 October 2014.
Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future by A P J Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh; by Penguin India, 14 May 2015.
Transcendence My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji by A P J Abdul Kalam; June 2015 by Harper Collins India Publication.
Eternal Quest: Life and Times of Dr Kalam by S Chandra; Pentagon Publishers, 2002.
President A P J Abdul Kalam by R K Pruthi; Anmol Publications, 2002.
A P J Abdul Kalam: The Visionary of India by K Bhushan, G Katyal; A P H Pub Corp, 2002.
A Little Dream (documentary film) by P. Dhanapal; Minveli Media Works Private Limited, 2008.
The Kalam Effect: My Years with the President by P M Nair; Harper Collins, 2008.
My Days With Mahatma Abdul Kalam by Fr A K George; Novel Corporation, 2009.

My your soul rest in peace.........You will be missed

Content Credit: Wiki
Photo Credit: Google India

Equations Resolved- For Teachers :)

By : Unknown

Hi Everyone,

Today lets discuss something worthwhile specially for those who are into mathematics and teaching it in a daily basis.

If you are in a teaching position specially Mathematics then it would really be hard for you to type a test paper that consist of a lot of equations or else you need to use some software which in turn might cost you a bit for signup facilities.

This blog is in reference to one of the most commonly faced problem of writing a mathematical equation in a question paper, and of course is also being published on request of one of my regular viewer.

So let see what comes next.....

Now a days most extensively used writing software i.e. MS Word can be fluently used in order to make these works easier just need a little bit of guidance along the path... (Guidance = My Blogs ;)  )

Let us suppose that the equation that we need to type in is (x^2-16)/(x^2+18x+81) in a mathematical view with proper stacked equation type.

First of all in an open MS Word file go to the insert tab which will look like the one shown below:

Next, Go to the equation button within the Insert tab to right corner of the screen.

Once you click on the equation button you can see a series of symbols and equations in the list which may confuse you by looking somewhat like this in the picture..

Once done with that, you can see a box which appears in the writing area, where now you can go and start writing the equation but wait...you are still confused as to how to go about writing it.... no worries just see how it goes...

Once the box appears you can now click on the box and then click on the option named "Fraction" and then go to the first option that gives the name as "Stacked Fraction".  This will look something like

Once you get there you can now click on the box on the numerator where you want the exponential of "X"....see how it is done...

Once you do that, just continue typing the rest of the part in the numerator i.e. (x^2-16), but remember you have just typed x^2 through the equation tab, now you just need to type the rest i.e. (-16) which can be typed normally. It looks something like this..

Post that now lets get down to the denominator, and here aswell we need an exponential of X so just follow the same method after clicking in the lower half of the box. and type the rest of the numbers and symbols. 

Once you complete writing the equation it should look something like this.....

Yeeeeaaaahh...its done now.......if you want any more information on any of these tricks and tacks....leave a comment of msg me on the Facebook page.....

Enjoy learning....

Photoshop at its ease....

By : Unknown

Hardcore Grunge Background

Step 1 - Create Your Document

Open up a new document 500x500 and fill the background white. Set your foreground color to #ffffff and your background color to #a2a2a2.
image 1

Step 2 - Create Your Brushing

Select the brush tool and grab the grass brush. Brush all over the layer till it looks something like this.
image 2

Step 3 - Create Your Next Layer

Create a new layer and fill it #2b231b. Set the layer mode to color burn. You should have something like this.
image 3

Step 4 - Merge and Duplicate Your Layers

Press Ctrl+Shift+E to merge the layers. Then duplicate the merged layer (right click>duplicate layer.)
image 4

Step 5 - Flip Your Layer

On your duplicated layer go to Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal
image 5

Step 6 - Lighten Your Layer

Set the layer mode to lighten.
image 6

Step 7 - Merge and Duplicate Your Layers

Merge all layers and duplicate the merged layer. Then go to edit>transform>flip vertical.
image 7

Step 8 - Linear Dodge and Completion

Set the layer mode to Linear Dodge, and your done! It should look something like this:
Hardcore Grunge Background

Content Credit: webdesign.org

I bet his Geography teacher was a fake!!!

By : Unknown

Nagaland Student Asked to Pay Entry Fee Meant for Foreigners at Pune Museum
A 23-year-old student from Nagaland, working as an intern with an NGO in Pune, was asked to show proof of his Indian nationality to enter the well-known Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum in the city on Sunday even after he showed his driving licence issued by government of Nagaland as his identity proof. Finally, he was asked to pay the entry fees meant for foreigners after which he dropped his plan to visit the museum.
The incident took place on Sunday morning when P David Ndang, a resident of Peren in Nagaland who has been pursuing an internship with city-based NGO Watershed Organisation Trust, went to the Kelkar Museum for a visit. He was accompanied by Prithviraj Gaikwad, an employee with the NGO who had agreed to show him around the city. David is pursuing his post-graduation in social work from North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research in Dimapur.
Speaking to The Indian Express, David said, “When we went to the entry gate of the museum, the staff asked me for an identity proof. Prithviraj asked them why it was needed at all, to which they said they needed to see it. As I could not speak in Marathi, Prithviraj started talking on my behalf and was translating it for me. “
Prithviraj said, “David showed his driving licence issued by the Nagaland government, which also said he was permitted to drive anywhere in India. It has the emblem of Republic of India and also says he is a resident of Nagaland and mentions the permanent address as Peren in Nagaland. But the staff said anyone could forge such a licence and asked if he had any proof of his nationality. I asked David if he was carrying any other identity proof. He said he was not.”
David said, “It was alright for them to ask me for an ID proof as there are different entry fees for Indians and foreigners. But even after seeing my driving licence which showed my permanent address from Nagaland, they kept asking me to prove my nationality. At one point of time, I had to tell them that Nagaland was part of India. But finally they asked me buy a ticket meant for foreigners at Rs 200 as against one for an Indian at Rs 50. I felt offended due to the discrimination which was obviously because of my facial features. We just walked away without buying the ticket.

Content Credits: Indian Express

Someone Just Made These Awesome Posters of the Delhi Metro's 'Crazy Ride'

By : Unknown

Someone Just Made These Awesome Posters of the Delhi Metro's 'Crazy Ride'

Photo courtesy: Absolute Desi's Facebook page

If you live in Delhi and your daily commute depends on the Delhi Metro, you know only too well that it's often going to be a 'crazy ride.' You know that getting a seat from Rajiv Chowk is a mission that's almost always impossible and you've probably witnessed first-hand fellow commuters checking their hair in the windows of the train.
Rajat Mahanti, a 19-year-old graphic designer, has captured some of the scenarios you face daily on your Metro ride and created these quirky posters you'll identify with.
Take a look at some of the posters shared by Absolute Desi on their Facebook page:
This is how Dilliwallahs pay tribute to Shah Rukh Khan

Those boards that say 'For Ladies Only' are only for show, or at least that's what some commuters believe. This also means you tell yourself "Mauka Mauka" every time you find an empty seat.

If you're getting on at Rajiv Chowk, you better prepare well. Spartans, we will fight in the shade.

You could be Sheldon Cooper for all we care, but claiming your spot isn't going to be easy.

Now, how many times have you seen this? Every time you commute.

Move over amusement parks and malls-couples have found a new spot for romance: the Metro.

Content Credits: http://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/

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